Friday, September 5, 2008

Five Things To Start Your Weight Loss NOW!

So, this blog is not about me... not completely, anyway. Who wants to read about an overweight guy just for the sake of it? You will come back to this blog because of the good feeling it gives you to support a big-bellied guy like me, right?

You're also going to want to keep an eye on this blog for tips and inspiration. I wouldn't be on this journey right now if it weren't for the inspiring Before and After pics I've seen of so many weight-loss successes! That's why I posted a virtual image of me, as I weighed when I started this blog, and how I will look when I reach my goal. (Side note: notice I didn't say "if I reach my goal"? I'll be touching on that in a post real soon.)

OK, gotta keep my promise. Here's the list:

Five Things You Can Do RIGHT NOW For Weight Loss:
  1. Clean out your kitchen and hiding places of any junk that will tempt you. (REALLY important for people like us)
  2. Drink a glass of water EVERY time you are about to indulge in an unplanned snack (notice I said "unplanned"?)
  3. Take some pictures of yourself with as little clothing as you can stand. Look at these photos whenever you're about to overeat.
  4. Write down at least 5 reasons you want to lose weight. Post this next to your photos. You need to refer to this often.
  5. Move around. March in place in front of the TV for five minutes; walk the stairs one extra time as though you forgot something.

These are really important steps to begin a new direction in your life. I'm doing this right now! It's amazing how well it works. Of course, talk to a doctor before implementing this or any new weight-loss plan. Also, if you think you're going to get depressed rather than motivated by looking at photos of yourself, then please don't torture yourself. This blog is about getting to the heart of the matter behind our weight problems, and I believe that we don't need any more negativity in life than comes in the regular course of things.

See you next week?!